31/12/2015 05:23
This channel is designed to provide free lectures for IIT-JEE aspirants. Here, you can learn physics, chemisty and maths through high quality video lectures. Get yourself inspired by motivational interviews. Stay on track during your JEE preparation with useful tips and strategies. All the videos are completely free and no sign-up is required.We do recommend subscribing to our Youtube Channel to stay updated. Please also visit out website: www.iitjeelectures.com
This initiative was started by Ankur Gupta and Anshul Singhal who are currently graduate students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and did their undergraduate studies at IIT Delhi. The initiative has grown with many more active volunteers who have started to record lectures. We will like to acknowledge Office of Digital Learning (ODL) and Open Course Ware (MIT OCW) at MIT for providing us with a platform to create these lectures.